【博导】Prospective Ph.D. Supervisors for International Graduate Students

2018 SEIEE Potential Ph.D. Supervisor

Department Discipline Professor Name Gender Title Research Direction 1 Research Direction 2 Email Website
031 Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering 程浩忠 CHENG Haozhong M Professor 电力系统规划与优化 Power System Planning and Optimal Operation 智能电网、电能质量、电压稳定 Voltage Stability,
Power Quality,
Smart Grid
hzcheng@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_509.htm
邰能灵 TAI Nengling M Professor 电力系统继电保护 Power System Relay Protectiom 智能输配电技术 Intelligent Transmission and Distribution of Electricity nltai@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_546.htm
张峰 ZHANG Feng M Professor 电工理论与新技术 Electrical Theory and New Technology 城市轨道交通电气检测方法和理论 Modern Metro System Test Method and Theoretical Analysis fzhang@sjtu.edu.cn
蔡旭 CAI Xu M Professor 可再生能源电力变换与并网技术 Renewable Energy Converter and Integration of Grid 新能源柔性直流输电技术 VSC-HVDC Application for New Energy xucai@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_503.htm
蒋传文 JIANG Chuanwen M Professor 电力系统优化运行 Power System Planning and Optimal Operation 电力市场 Power System Economic Operation and Market jiangcw@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_524.htm
严正 YAN Zheng M Professor 智能电网优化运行 Optimal Operation of Smart Grid 电力系统安全分析 Power System Security Analysis yanz@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_561.htm
尹毅 YIN Yi M Professor 聚合物纳米复合电介质物理特性、表征与应用 Nanocomposites New Characterization, Technologies and Its Application in Electrical Engineering 基于电力设备绝缘老化的状态诊断理论与应用技术 Dielectric Properties of Polymer
Condition Assessment and On-line Monitoring of Electric Power Apparatus
yiny@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_565.htm
王志新 WANG Zhixin M Professor 风电、光伏柔性直流输电应用 VSC-HVDC Application for PV and Wind Energy 分布式发电 Distributed Generator wangzxin@sjtu.edu.cn
冯冬涵 FENG Donghan M Professor 智能电网中的策略与风险 Smart Grid Operation Technology and Risk Management 电力市场理论与设计 Theories and Practices of Plectricity Markets seed@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_512.htm
马柯 MA Ke M Research Professor 电力电子可靠性 Power Electronics Reliability 电力电子系统工况模拟及检测 Mission Profile Emulation and Monitoring of Power Electronics System kema@sjtu.edu.cn
艾芊 AI Qian M Professor 电力系统认知与建模 Power System Cognition and Modeling 微电网与能源互联网规划、运行 Microgrid and Energy Internet Planning and Operation aiqian@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_502.htm
李国杰 LI Guojie M Professor 电力系统分析与控制 Power System Analysis and Control liguojie2000@126.com http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_921.htm
邱才明 Robert Caiming Qiu M Distinguished Professor 智能电网 Smart Grid 大数据 Big Data rcqiu@sjtu.edu.cn
朱淼 ZHU Miao M Research Professor 混合交直流电网关键技术 Key Technology of AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Network 新能源发电与并网技术 New Energy Power Generation and Integration of Grid miaozhu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/386_942.htm
王承民 WANG Chengmin M Professor 电力系统优化规划 Power System Optimal Planing 电力市场 Power System Economic Operation and Market wangchengmin@sjtu.edu.cn
唐厚君 TANG Houjun M Professor 无线电能传输 Wireless Power Transfer 新型电力电子变换器 New Power Electronic Converter hjtang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_547.htm
王杰 WANG Jie M Professor 电力系统及其自动化 Power Systems and Automation 非线性系统控制 Nonlinear Control Theory and Applications jiewangxh@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/707_550.htm
032 Automation Department Control Science & Engineering 关新平 GUAN Xinping M Distinguished Professor 工业信息物理系统感知与控制 Cognition and Control of Cyber-physical Systems 水下传感器网络 Navigation and Control of Cyber Aquatic Systems;
Underwater Sensor Networks
xpguan@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_591.htm
李少远 LI Shaoyuan M Professor 预测控制、自适应智能控制 Model-based Predictive Control,Adaptive Intelligent Control CPS系统优化控制 CPS System Optimal Control syli@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_601.htm
汪小帆 WANG Xiaofan M Distinguished Professor 复杂网络分析与控制 Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Network 多自主体系统协调控制 Multi-agent Systems Cooperative Control xfwang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_618.htm
沈红斌 SHEN Hongbin M Professor 模式识别与生物信息学 Bioinformatics and Pattern Recognition 图像处理与数据挖掘 Image Processing and Data Mining hbshen@sjtu.edu.cn www.csbio.sjtu.edu.cn
张卫东 ZHANG Weidong M Professor 建模与控制理论 Modeling and Control Theory 智能电网 Smart Grid wdzhang@sjtu.edu.cn http://automation.sjtu.edu.cn/ipac
陈卫东 CHEN Weidong M Professor 智能机器人 Intelligent Robot;
Multi-Robot System;
Service Robot
智能控制 Intelligent Control wdchen@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_584.htm
苏剑波 SU Jianbo M Professor 机器人 Intelligent Robot 模式识别 Pattern Recognition jbsu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_614.htm
杨杰 YANG Jie M Professor 图像处理 Image Processing 模式识别 Pattern Recognition jieyang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_635.htm
陈彩莲 CHEN Cailian F Professor 工业网络系统的分布式估计与控制 Distributed Estimation and Control for Cyber-physical Systems 车联网的信息-控制联合设计 Information-Control Design of Vehicles Internet cailianchen@sjtu.edu.cn
黄晓霖 HUANG Xiaolin M Associate Professor (tenure-track) 机器学习 Machine Learning 优化算法 Optimization Methods longcn@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_606.htmc
蔡云泽 CAI Yunze F Professor 复杂系统的信息处理技术 Filtering Theory for Complex Systems
Robust Filtering Methods for Time-delay Systems
Information Fusion
制导与控制 Control and Guide yzcai@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_579.htm
王贺升 WANG Hesheng M Professor 机器人 Robotics, Robot Control 视觉伺服 Visual Servoing, Computer Vision wanghesheng@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_621.htm
杨博 YANG Bo M Professor 网络系统的控制与优化 Control and Optimization of Internet System 智能电网 Smart Grid bo.yang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_633.htm
杨明 YANG Ming M Professor 智能车、智能交通系统 Intelligent Vehicles, ITS 移动机器人 Mobile Robot mingyang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_636.htm
李建勋 LI Jianxun M Professor 导航制导与控制 Control and Guide 模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System lijx@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_599.htm
王景成 WANG Jingcheng M Professor 实时系统控制与仿真 Real-time System Control and Simulation 过程控制与优化 Process Control and Optimization jcwang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_622.htm
袁景淇 YUAN Jinqgi M Professor 火力发电过程模型化、实时仿真与环保岛流场优化调控 Full Scope Modeling of the Thermal Power Plants, the Flow Field Regulation of Flue Gas Denitrification, Desulfurization and Electrostatic Ash Removal Facilities 喷水推进船舶矢量控制 Modeling and Control for Water Jet Propulsion System jqyuan@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_640.htm
方涛 FANG Tao M Professor 高分辨率遥感影像智能处理 Intelligent Processing for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images 类脑计算与学习 Cortical Computing and Biologically Inspired Learning tfang@sjtu.edu.cn
李柠 LI Ning F Professor 复杂系统建模与控制 Modeling and Control of Complex Systems 人工智能与大数据分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Anaylsis ning_li@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_600.htm
胡立生 HU Li-Sheng M Professor 核动力控制系统与软件验证 Nucleared-Powered System and Software Verification 大数据及工业人工智能 Big Data and Industrial Artificial Intelligence lshu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_596.htm
赵群飞 ZHAO Qunfei M Professor 人—机器人交互理论和方法 Human—Robot Interaction 机器人与视觉测控系统理论与应用 Robotics and Machine Vision Test and Control Theory and Application zhaoqf@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_643.htm
龙承念 LONG Chengnian M Professor 信息物理融合系统 Cyber-Physcial Systems 物联网、移动感知与智能计算 Internet of Things, Mobile Sensing and Cognitive Computing longcn@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/708_606.htmc
033 Computer Science and Engineering Department Computer Science & Technology 邓小铁 DENG Xiaotie M Professor 算法 Algorithms 博弈论 Game Theory deng-xt@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
朱其立 Kenny Qili ZHU M professor 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 文本挖掘 Text Mining kzhu@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_703.htm
过敏意 GUO Minyi M Professor 并行与分布计算 Parallel and Distributed Processing 并行化编译器,普适计算,软件工程,嵌入式系统,绿色计算 Parallelizing compilers,
Pervasive Computing,
Software Engineering,
Embedded systems,
and Green Computing
guo-my@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_665.htm
陈贵海 CHEN Guihai M Professor 计算机网络 Computing Network 数据处理 Data Processing gchen@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_652.htm
贾维嘉 JIA Weijia M Professor 网络空间多媒体信息感知与关联 Cyberspace Multi-media Information Recognition and Link 基于语言和媒体的知识图谱挖掘与演进 Digging and Evolution of Knowledge Map Based on Language and Media jia-wj@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
吴帆 WU Fan M Professor 无线网络 Wireless Networking 移动计算 Mobile Computing fwu@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_902.htm
姚斌 YAO Bin M Associate Professor 大数据管理 Big Data Management 数据库 Database yaobin@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
黄林鹏 HUANG Linpeng M Professor 大数据 Big Data 系统软件 System Software huang-lp@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_666.htm
朱弘恣 ZHU Hongzi M Associate Professor 无线网络 Wireless Networks, 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT), hongzi@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
朱燕民 ZHU Yanmin M Professor 数据挖掘 Data Mining 大数据分析 Big Data Analytics yzhu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/~yzhu
卢宏涛 LU Hongtao M Professor 计算机视觉 Computer Vision 机器学习 Machine Learning lu-ht@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_674.htm
张丽清 ZHANG Liqing M Professor 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 计算机视觉 Computer Perception and Visual Event Detection zhang-lq@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_698.htm
谷大武 GU Dawu M Professor 密码学 Cryptology 计算机安全 Computer Security gu-dw@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_663.htm
骆源 LUO Yuan M Professor 信息编码与信息论 Information Theory (especially Shannon Channel Capacity and Network Coding), Coding Theory (especially Hamming Distance, Constant Composition and Constant Weight Code, Periodic Sequence) 大数据与计算机安全 Big Data and Computer Security (especially Virtual Machine Security) luoyuan@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_677.htm
申瑞民 SHEN Ruimin M Professor 情感计算 Affective Computing 数据挖掘 Data Mining rmshen@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_684.htm
马利庄 MA Lizhuang M Professor 计算机图形 Computer Graphics 数字多媒体 Digital Media ma-lz@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_680.htm
梁晓峣 LIANG Xiaoyao M Professor 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture 神经网络架构 Neural Network Architecture liang-xy@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
冷静文 LENG Jingwen M Assistant Professor 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture 异构计算系统 Heterogeneous Computing System leng-jw@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
龙环 Huan Long F Associate Professor 理论计算机科学,并行理论 Theoretical Computer Science, Concurrency theory 数据科学中的数学 Mathematics in Data Science longhuan@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
傅育熙 FU Yuxi M Professor 理论计算机科学;形式化验证中的可判定性和复杂性问题研究 Theoretical Computer Science, Decidability and Complexity Issues in Verification 交互理论、并发计算理论,计算机科学的模型理论 Theory of interaction, Concurrency theory, Model theory of computer science fu-yx@cs.sjtu.edu.cn https://basics.sjtu.edu.cn/~yuxi/
吕宝粮 LU Baoliang M Professor 情感计算 Affective computing 情感脑机交互 Affective brain-computer interaction blu@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_678.htm
苑波 YUAN Bo M Professor 仿真计算机结构 Biologically Inspired Computing-Structural 复杂生物系统的随机动态建模 Dynamic, Stochastic Modeling of Complex Biological Systems yuanbo@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_696.htm
盛斌 SHENG Bin M Associate Professor 计算机应用 Computer Application 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality shengbin@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/en/PeopleDetail.aspx?id=149 http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_963.htm
吴晨涛 WU Chentao M Associate Professor 大数据存储 Big Data Storage 非易失存储 Non-Volatile Memories wuct@cs.sjtu.edu.cn http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/~wuct/
孔令和 KONG Linghe M Research Professor (Tenure-Track) 物联网 Internet of Things (IoT) 大数据 Big Data linghe.kong@sjtu.edu.cn http://wirelesslab.sjtu.edu.cn/~klh/; http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/841_1946.htm
唐飞龙 TANG Feilong M Professor 大数据与云计算 Big Data and Cloud Computing 无线与空间网络 Wireless and Spatial Network tang-fl@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
034 Electronic Engineering Department Electronic Science and Technology 毛军发 MAO Junfa M Professor 高速电路互联与封装 Interconnect and Packaging of Integrated Circuits 射频电子元器件与系统 Radio Frequency Electronic Devices and Components and Its Application jfmao@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_765.htm
肖高标 XIAO Gaobiao M Professor 电磁散射 Electromagnetics Scattering 多物理场 Multi-physical Fields gaobiaoxiao@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_788.htm
周亮 Zhou Liang M Professor 射频前端模块系统级封装 RF Transceivers System on Packaging (SoP) 多物理场仿真分析 Multiphysics Modeling liangzhou@sjtu.edu.cn
李新碗 LI Xinwan M Professor 硅光电子学 Silicon Photonics 光生太赫兹与测量 Photonic Tera Hertz Measurement ixinwan@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_748.htm
朱卫仁 ZHU Weiren M Professor 电磁超材料 Electromagnetic Metamaterials 智能天线设计 Smart Antenna Design weiren.zhu@sjtu.edu.cn http://ant.sjtu.edu.cn/homepage/wrzhu/
朱杰 ZHU Jie M Professor 多媒体信号处理 Multi Media Signal Processing 语音信号处理 Speech Signal Processing zhujie@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_829.htm
陈建平 CHEN Jianping M Professor 光传输与交换技术 Device and Technology for Fast Optical Switching and Signal Processing 光子信息处理与系统应用 Photon Information Processing and System Application jpchen62@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_708.htm
樊昕昱 FAN Xinyu M Professor 光子学与光纤技术 Photonics and Fiber-Optics 光纤传感与光纤通信 Optical Sensing and Optical Communication fan.xinyu@sjtu.edu.cn http://ee.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/show.aspx?info_lb=17&info_id=226&flag=3
马麟 MA Lin M Associate Professor 特种光纤及光互连技术 Specialty Optical Fiber and Waveguide
Optical Interconnect
光纤器件与系统 Optial Fiber Devices and System ma.lin@sjtu.edu.cn
Information and Communication Engineering 杨小康 X. K. YANG M Distinguished Professor 图像处理 Image Processing 图像通信 Video/image Coding and Communication xkyang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_802.htm
金耀辉 JIN Yaohui M Professor 时空数据分析 Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis 自然语言理解 Natural Language Understanding jinyh@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_740.htm
义理林 YI Lilin M Professor 宽带光接入与短距离光互联 Broadband Optical Access and Short Distance Optical Interconnection 保密光通信 Confidential Optical Communication lilinyi@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_807.htm
杨学林 YANG Xuelin M Professor 光信号处理 Optical Signal Processing 光通信系统 Optical Fiber Communication System xuelinyang1@gmail.com http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_803.htm
孙卫强 SUN Weiqiang M Professor 数据通信网络 Data Communication Network 健康大数据 Health Big Data sunwq@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_774.htm
何祖源 HE Zuyuan M Chair Professor 光互联器件与系统 Optical Interconnection Devices and Systems 光传感器件与系统 Fiber Optic Sensors and Specialty Optical fibers zuyuanhe@sjtu.edu.cn
陶梅霞 TAO Meixia F Professor 计算通信网络 Computing Communication Network 5G移动通信 5G Mobile Communication mxtao@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_777.htm
陈文 Wen Chen M Professor 无线信号处理 Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 协作网络 Collaborative Network wenchen@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_711.htm
姜淳 JIANG Chun M Professor 光电子材料与器件 Optoelectronic Materials and Devices 光子光纤器件 Optoelectronic Fiber Devices cjiang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_735.htm
郁文贤 YU Wenxian M Professor 遥感信息处理 Remote Sensing Information Processing 多传感器导航 Multi-Sensor Navigation wxyu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_811.htm
武元新 Wu Yuanxin M Professor 导航系统 Navigation Systems 惯性视觉融合 Inertial-Visual Fusion yuanxin.wu@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/2127_1925.htm
刘佩林 LIU Peilin F Professor 信号处理与SoC架构 Signal Processing &Computer Architecture 机器学习 Machine Learning liupeilin@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_754.htm
郭小军 GUO Xiaojun M Professor 柔性电子器件与电路系统 Flexible Electronics Devices and Circuits 薄膜晶体管器件与显示系统 Thin Film Transistors and LCD x.guo@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_727.htm
夏斌 XIA Bin M Professor 无线宽带网络 Broadband Wireless Networks 网络融合 Network Convergence bxia@sjtu.edu.cn
崔颖 CUI Ying F Professor 内容缓存与传输无线网络 Cache-enabled Wireless Networks 5G跨层资源调度 5G Cross-layer Resource Allocation cuiying@sjtu.edu.cn
蒋铃鸽 JIANG Lingge F Professor 新一代无线通信系统 New Generation Wireless Communication System 通信信号处理 Communication Signal Processing lgjiang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/842_737.htm
曾贵华 Zeng Guihua M Professor 连续变量量子通信 Continuous-Variable Quantum Communication 量子成像 Quantum Imaging ghzeng@sjtu.edu.cn http://ccs.sjtu.edu.cn
翟广涛 ZHAI Guangtao M Research Professor 多媒体信号处理 Multimedia Signal Processing 感知模型 Perceptual Modeling zhaiguangtao@sjtu.edu.cn
吴泳澎 WU Yongpeng M Research Professor 5G移动通信 5G Mobile Communication 通信中的信号处理 Signal Processing in Communication yongpeng.wu2016@gmail.com
035 Instrument Science and Engineering, Department of Instrument Science & Technology 崔大祥 CUI Daxiang M professor 智能诊疗仪器 Instrument for Theranostics 分子影像探针 Microfludic System dxcui@sjtu.edu.cn
宋杰 SONG Jie M professor 单细胞分析 Single Molecular Detection by High Resolution Dynamic Imaging 单分子操纵 Single Molecular Manipulation via DNA Nanotechnology Sjie@sjtu.edu.cn
赵辉 ZHAO Hui M Professor 传感器 Advanced Sensors and Instrumentation 视觉检测技术,激光检测技术 Visual Measurement Technology and Laser Measurement Technology huizhao@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_861.htm
文玉梅 WEN Yumei F Professor 传感技术 Sensor Technology 智能仪器 Intelligent Devices yumei.wen@sjtu.edu.cn
李平 LI Ping M Professor 传感器技术 Sensor Technology 测量技术与仪器 Instrumentation and Measurement liping_sh@sjtu.edu.cn
赵健康 ZHAO JianKang M Professor 卫星导航与组合导航 GNSS and Integrated Navigation 无人机自主控制 UAV Autonomous Flight Control zhaojiankang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_862.htm
韩韬 HAN Tao M Professor 新型传感器 Novel Sensors 现代检测理论 Auto Detection Method and Theory than@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_837.htm
陶卫 TAO Wei F professor 激光、视觉检测技术
Opto-Electronic & Laser Measurement Technique 生物医学信息探测 Research of Industrial and Bio-Medical Transducer with Fiber Optics taowei@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_852.htm
吉小军 JI Xiaojun M Professor 声学传感技术 Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Technology 特种测控技术 Special Testing and WSN Technology Jxj127@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_840.htm
蔡萍 CAI Ping F Professor 光学工程 Optical Engineering 动态检测技术
Biomechanical Measurement
pcai@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_832.htm
杨明 YANG  Ming M Professor 精密医疗仪器 Precision Medical Instruments 超声技术 Ultrasonic Technologies myang@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/843_859.htm
036 School of Network Space Security Network Space Security 李建华 LI Jianhua M Professor 网络安全管理与态势感知 Security Administration and Situational Awareness for Networks 基于人工智能的信息安全 Information Security Based on Artificial Intelligence lijh888@sjtu.edu.cn http://infosec.sjtu.edu.cn/en.php?m=article&f=view&id=127
李生红 LI Shenghong M Professor 信息安全 Information Security 机器学习与模式识别 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning shli@sjtu.edu.cn
潘理 PAN Li M Professor 社交网络大数据分析与挖掘 Social network Big Data Analysis 新型网络系统安全管理与性能分析 New Network System Security Management and Analysis panli@sjtu.edu.cn
邱卫东 Qiu Weidong M Professor 密码分析 Cryptoanalysis 计算机取证 Computer Forensic E-mail: qiuwd@sjtu.edu.cn
蒋兴浩 JIANG Xinghao M Professor 视频内容取证 Video Content Forensics 内容智能分析与理解 Video Intelligence Analysis and Understanding xhjiang@sjtu.edu.cn
化存卿 HUA Cunqing M Professor 无线网络安全 Wireless Network Security 无线通信及无线网络 Wireless Communications and Wireless Networking cqhua@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/2130_1317.htm
陈恭亮 CHEN Gongliang M Professor 信息安全 Information Security 区块链与电子货币 Block Chains and Electronic Money chengl@sjtu.edu.cn http://infosec.sjtu.edu.cn/index.php?m=article&f=view&id=135
037 School of Software Software Engineering 陈海波 CHEN Haibo M Professor 系统软件 System Software 可视化和系统安全 Virtualization and System security haibochen@sjtu.edu.cn
蔡鸿明 CAI Hongming M Associate Professor 智慧城市 Smart City 服务计算,信息建模 Service Computing and Information Modeling hmcai@sjtu.edu.cn
戚正伟 QI Zhengwei M Professor 系统软件 System Software 程序分析 Program Analysis qizhwei@sjtu.edu.cn http://tcloud.sjtu.edu.cn/people/zhengwei/
臧斌宇 ZANG Binyu M Professor 系统软件 System Software byzang@sjtu.edu.cn
杨旭波 YANG Xubo M Professor 虚拟现实与数字媒体 Virtual and Augmented Reality 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics yangxubo@sjtu.edu.cn
039 Micro/Nano electronics Department Electronic Science and Technology 连勇 LIAN Yong M Professor 集成电路设计 Integrated Circuits Design 生物医疗电路与系统 Medical Electronics eleliany@sjtu.edu.cn www.bicasl.org
张亚非 ZHANG Yafei M Professor 纳米电子材料与器件 Nano-Electronic Materials and Devices 纳米材料 Nano Materials yfzhang@sjtu.edu.cn
刘景全 LIU Jingquan M Professor 微机电系统(MEMS) Micro-electro-mechanical System (MEMS) 可穿戴/可植入柔性电子器件 Flexible electronic Device for Wearable and Implantable Application jqliu@sjtu.edu.cn
李金金 Li Jinjin F Professor 新能源电池的合成与设计 Advanced Design and Develop New Energy Batteries 第一性原理计算 First-principle Calculation of Solid State System lijinjin@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/2128_1940.htm
王国兴 WANG Guoxing M Associate Professor 集成电路设计 Mixed-Signal/Analog Integrated Circuits 生物医疗电子 Medical Electronics guoxing@sjtu.edu.cn www.bicasl.org
M Professor 微机电系统 Micro-electro-mechanical System (MEMS) Design, Fabrication and Integration Technology 微传感器和微执行器(微惯性传感器和微机器人) Micro-sensor and Micro Actuator(micro inertia sensor and Micro-Robot) zhangwp@sjtu.edu.cn
祝永新 ZHU Yongxin M Professor 计算机系统结构 (计算机科学与技术) Computer Architecture 芯片系统级设计 (电子科学与技术) Embedded Systems zhuyongxin@sjtu.edu.cn
陈长鑫 CHEN Changxin M Associate Professor 纳米光电和电子器件 Nano-optoelectronic Devices 碳材料和新型二维材料及其器件 Carbon Material, New-type Two-Dimensional Materials and Their Devices chen.c.x@sjtu.edu.cn
魏浩 WEI Hao M Professor 锂电池/超级电容储能器件;多孔材料 Lithium-ion Batteries/Supercapacitor Energy Storage Device;Porous Material; 有机化学、高分子化学 Organic Chemistry; Polymer chemistry haowei@sjtu.edu.cn
杨卓青 YANG Zhuoqing M Associate Professor 微纳机电系统(MEMS/NEMS) Micro/Nano-electro-mechanical System (MEMS/NEMS) 柔性电子皮肤 Flexible Electronic Skin yzhuoqing@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/386_1382.htm
何卫锋 HE Weifeng M Associate Professor 数字集成电路与系统 Digital Integrated Circuits and System 硅光集成电路 Silicon Electronic Photonic Integrated Circuits hewf@sjtu.edu.cn http://www.clny114.com/english/detail/2128_1165.htm
施国勇 SHI Guoyong M Professor 集成电路设计自动化 Mixed-Signal IC Design and Design Automation 机器学习电路与系统 Machine Learning Circuits and Systems shiguoyong@sjtu.edu.cn
莫亭亭 MO Tingting F Associate Professor 射频/微波集成电路 RF/Microwave Integrated Circuits 射频功率放大器 RF Power Amplifiers moting@sjtu.edu.cn
[ 2017-11-21 ]
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